8 months of acne treatment by iS Clinical. (the most terrifying post in my life)

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I would not dare to post this but I’ve promised it to the brand at the very beginning.
I just sincerely hope that you won’t unsubscribe from our blog in horror, I promise I will never scare you by such photos again (and I wish there’ll be no more opportunity like that).
I’ve told you a lot about iS Clinical (perhaps not as much as the brand would like, but they’ve never shown that), but photos are of more value than words in this situation. I just ask you to forgive the quality of photos because last May (left photos were done on May, 27th 2011) I’ve only had iPhone and light from a window, and now my photo gadgets and lighting are much better.
The ones who don’t want to see “before and after” photos would better not press “details” button. (well, I’ve warned you)
Left photos – May, 27th 2011, right ones – January, 30th 2012
And just to see the result better – a little bit closer, what is now:
As I’ve written earlier, the problem is not 100% gone (perhaps on February, 4th I should say 146%?) but improvement is so radical that I’ve really forgotten how the things were not so long ago.
Some problems appear from time to time, you can see some redness on the right cheek, there are also slightly clogged pores and black spots in the T-zone. But believe me, it’s SO MUCH better than everything that was before iS Clinical. The effect can be compared to getting into vitamin A, but without all accompanying side effects.
Speaking about the disadvantsges I can mention skin dehydration which intensifies in winter. iS Clinical representative Natalia Buzhinskaya gave me Moisturizing Complex — to try. It’s a cream with great texture (I have it in a different package comparing to the photo at the link) that she recommended to apply at night, after Hydra-Cool serum. To be honest, I also use it in morning after Pro-Heal and before SPF or bb-cream, I guess it’s okay for 20 degrees below zero. Cream seems to be awesome but a couple of days of use are few enough to draw conclusions.
I can also add that there was only one cleansing done to achieve the result, although it usually tales at least three. It’s because I’m terribly busy and lazy ot once and and not because of my amazing skin.
The first procedure of pores clarifying had such a radical effect that everything was going on better and better and I didn’t have enough motivation to expose myself to this one more time. Although “Petrovka-beauty” has called me to come many times.
All in all, I’m happy and my happiness consists of this set:
Recently it can be bought through the skinguru.ru online shop (which is iS Clinical shop). And you are free to accuse me of advertising of this online-shop. I don’t care, cause they’ve done so much for me.
P.S. For those who don’t believe and think that “after” photos are too good, who cares about “different color temperature”, “there are layers of foundation on you!”, “photoshop”… Right, there is makeup on the right photos: concealer, shades, mascara. And they’re done in absolutely different way. I haven’t thought that there are people that don’t know how the studio lighting looks. That’s why, specially for you, to believe, photos of my skin with no makeup that embarrassed you (and via iPhone).